Not a-Mused Anymore

My Muse can bite me.

If she wants to run off and join the Muse circus instead of sit down and write, I’m OK with that now. I can put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard just fine without her.

The writing I do when she runs off and leaves me on my own may not be my best prose. And I may have to bludgeon every word and nail it to the sentence before it regains consciousness and runs away.

But I don’t need her fickle inspiration any more.

Don’t get me wrong. I love it when she grabs my hand and yanks me down some barely perceptible rabbit trail in my imagination. I’ve found all sorts of beautiful, dark or just completely whacked out, mental gardens under her (mis)guidance.

But I’ve also found that sort of inspiration on my own by taking a machete to the weeds of my mind and hacking my own path to those enchanted forests of ideas. It just takes a little longer and I tend to leave a pile of kindling and uprooted trees behind me.

I admit that writing tends to go a little faster, smoother, when she’s around. I seem to know exactly what to say and how to say it. But now when she takes off for parts unknown, leaving my word-well high and dry, I pull out her clunky cousins; Dictionary and Thesaurus.

Between the three of us, we can usually find a suitable turn of phrase. And if we can’t, I step away for a few minutes and sharpen my mental machete on some logic problems. When I return to the work-in-progress, the Muse is either back or I’m capable of plodding along well enough on my own.

Though I’ll always welcome my Muse on my creative adventures, she’s no longer in charge of the journey. We’re sharing the reins now.

So get on the horse, honey, or get out of the way. There’s writing to be done.

Who is Karen?

While I’m not new to writing, I am new to blogging. So I figured I’d kick off my blogging journey by introducing myself to the world.


So who is this Karen person?


I’m a newlywed. My British husband (love the accent) and I got married on a day we could both remember. The date contained nothing but “1’s”. I figure that should (hopefully) keep us out of the trouble in the future!


I’ve got two boys. A teenager getting ready to learn how to drive (I expect plenty of blog fodder out of that experience) and a pre-teen getting ready for angst. They’re both great though and fill my days with joy. And sometimes screaming. But mostly joy.


I have a day job while I work my way towards my goal of publishing a novel. Thankfully, I like my day job. I get to design websites and write! Instructions and user guides, but I like writing those almost as much as I like writing fiction.


I eat too much chocolate and don’t exercise nearly enough to offset that in my mind. I ran my last marathon almost 2 years ago and my knee went on strike. My now healed knee is in for a surprise though. I’ve decided to carefully get myself back into running shape so I can run a marathon relay in 2013 with my sister. (Training=blog fodder!)


Last, for the moment, I write. I love putting pen to paper. Mostly it stinks. But it’s gotten better over the past few years. I’ve had two short stories published and recently received an honorable mention in Writer’s Digest’s 80th Annual Writing Competition. That caused much glee and girlie squeals at the mailbox.


In a small nutshell, that’s me. Karen. Newlywed, mom, sister, chocolate eater, writer, runner and squealer.


It’s been a pleasure introducing myself to you.


Thank you for stopping by and I hope you’ll visit again in the future!